Preview: is a wonderful time of the year and we love it!
We also love very long, very thick hair which is very healthy, and Mila's hair is outstanding in every way.
She has some of the thickest hair we have ever seen. Her ponytail circumference is 6 inches, which is over double as thick as 4 inches, and 4 inches is considered to be very thick hair by many.
Her hair is super heavy, ultra healthy and so shiny and silky, that it's hard to believe that this is real life.
Anyways, it is actually real life, and we are very proud of having her as one of our models, and she has some of the best hair in the whole world, without a doubt!
This is a special video where you will see a lot of ponytail play, and a LOT of "hair on the camera" and closeup play in addition to a bun and bundrop.
Even though this is an extra long video, we have set the price down to the same level as a 10 minute video would have!
Why? It's Christmas!
This video is over 15 minutes in length!
Publication date: 29. December 2018
If you buy this video now within 31. December 2018, you will get it for only the half price because of our crazy Christmas sale!