Preview: has amazing hair. It's thigh length, blonde, thick, straight and very heathy.
She loves making big buns, heavy, thick braids and massive ponytails as well as doing amazing bundrops and other kinds of beautiful hair play and display.
We have been working a lot with Julia lately, and will therefore be publishing a lot of new videos with her, which we are very happy to announce!
She loves being our long hair model, and we love working with her as well!
In this video, two very beautiful factors, both from nature, are combined; very long hair and flowers.
Green, pink and blonde is the colors you will see, and they look so amazing together! This is the power of Mother Nature!
Her hair is super silky and it shines like nothing else.
It's easy to see that she is very skilled when it comes to long hair play, and the way she is swinging her wonderful mane is stunning.
You will see outdoor long hair play and display, ponytails, bun and bundrop, swinging and swaying, hair combing, hair covering, braid and undoing of the braid.
This is a long video, for a very good price, and you do not want to miss it!
This video is over 20 minutes in length!
Publication date: 18. January 2019
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