Preview: have gotten several new models lately, after our amazing sale.
We promised to get several new models if the sale went well, and it went really well. One thing you can always trust is that we always keep what we promise, therefore, during the last 2 days, we have already published videos with three new models, and here is the fourth one, Angelika.
Angelika is no light-weight when it comes to long hair, because her hair is simply not just long, it's SUPER LONG.
We love hair as long as this, and we know so many other people do as well, and if you're one of them, you are definitely looking at a great video with super long hair length!
She has blonde ankle length hair, which is thick and healthy, and her hair suits her so well!
Please note that this is a test-videoshoot made with a simple camera made for testing and for the first video, therefore, this video is a bit shaky and blurry at times, which is why we have set the video to the lowest price point possible, $0.9
You will see her doing long hair play and display, long hair lifting and dropping, long hair swinging and swaying, long hair brushing, running her fingers through her long hair, bun and bundrop, a very high ponytail, braiding and undoing of the braid and much more!
This video is over 13 minutes in length.
Publication date: 6. May 2020