Preview: is EXTREME! When say that, we mean it, and we mean it in a good way of course!
Having floor length hair is one thing, and that's quite astonishing in itself, but having floor length hair that is SO thick and super healthy, all the way down to the very ends is extremely rare, and she is for sure one in a million, if not in a billion!
Having such hair comes with a lot of work and patience, and Alena wears her hair in a thick, massive, super heavy braid almost all the time to prevent it from tangling, being damaged etc.
Her hair is naturally straight and we often see her with wavy hair due to the fact that she has just taken out her braid before we start the recording.
In some special occassions, such as for this video, she leaves her hair loose and free so that it will "pull itself down" by it's own weight and thus becoming more straight.
When Alena has her hair like this, she has a huge risk of damaging her hair and she has to be VERY careful about everything that she does.
That is why we don't see her perfect hair 100% straight all the time, and the fact that she even does this sometimes, such as this time, just for us is amazing and she is such a kind person with amazing values!
It's very important to see and recognize all the hard work, patience and struggle that all these amazing girls and women have to go through to become the Real Rapunzels that they are today, and we have HUGE respect for them and we ove working with them!
So many of our models are getting super inspired and motivated by Alena, and we think that she will never stop to inspire.
Alena is obsessed with very long hair, and it's safe to say that floor length hair is VERY long. However, Alena is not satisfied with that length as she wants much longer hair, and that's why she is growing her hair much longer, just like Aliia, which is also one of our amazing models (our model with the longest hair).
When we first saw Alena, she had super thick ankle length hair, and her hair has gotten even healthier and thicker now + it is much longer!
Alena actually has a bit longer than floor length hair now, and that's easy to see because her hair is dragging a bit on the floor / pooling on the floor when she is standing up straight.
We also have a video with her where she wears high heels, and her hair is still dragging the floor!
After talking with her about her hair growth decisions, we think that this is only the beginning, and when beyond floor length is only "the beginning", then you know that this is going to be a crazy and bright future!
Seeing Alena with straight hair has been a big request for a long time, and we are finally delivering it to you in this video.
Note: Her hair is not 100% straight, but much more straight than usual. Around 95-99% straight.
It's impossible to describe what she does in this video with words, but we will just leave a few words here to at least try:
She starts by brushing her hair while walking around a bit, carrying her heavy mane (poor arms), she then puts all her hair on her laps followed by some more brushing (poor shoulders).
Waving her hand with her hair in the air, swinging and swaying her hair from side to side, covering herself with it, swinging on a swing while her hair is flying around everywhere, making some HUGE buns, walking around with them and dropping them.. The list goes on, and you just have to get the video instead of reading about what happens.
Books are meant to be read, not hair shows. They are meant to be seen.
This video is over 11 minutes in length!
Publication date: 1. July 2018
Note: The original price of this video is $15 since it is a very special video, and we honestly think that this is one of the best videos we have done with Alena yet.
This video is discounted 50% and will ONLY cost $7.50 for the next two days. This discount only last for two days!