Preview: is a very beautiful woman that absolutely will make you turn your head if you see her walking the streets.
She has floor length brunette hair, and she is a multiple long hair contest winner, as well as she really knows how much people love her hair, and she likes to show it to people, and she also loves seeing their "WOW" reaction when they see it.
She usually wears her hair in a super thick, heavy, massive long braid that goes all the way down to her ankles/floor, to keep it protected while walking, as well as not stepping on it. Her hair is so long, that if he walks, having her hair loose, it is guaranteed that she will step on it.
However, she is growing her hair even longer, and thinks that her current length, floor length, is not long enough.
When she makes RealRapunzels videos, she releases her braid to show off her amazing hair when it´s loose!
In this video, you will mainly see her outdoor hairplay by the sidewalk with some beautiful nature. She starts by dancing around, being super happy like she always are, whipping and swinging her ultra long braid around her whole body, and then opening the braid, and finally when her hair is parted in three parts, and 99% out of the braid, she puts one part behind her, and the two other parts of her hair falling down by each shoulder.
This is very rare, and an amazing sight to watch, becuse ONE part of her hair is equally thick as a normal girl´s hair, and she has THREE parts!
Which means that her hair is 2-4 times thicker than a normal girl´s hair, it´s crazy!
She looks covered in her, and she enjoys it a lot, as well as looking fabolous!
This video is over 10 minutes in length.
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