Preview: video is extreme! In this video, you will see hair that gives the descriptions "long hair", "very long hair", "thick hair" and "soft hair" a completely new meaning!
Alena is one of our most popular models, with outstanding hair, that is very hard to beat, and believe us, a lot of girls and women has a goal of doing so.
In our other videos with Alena, you can see that her hair is so thick and long, that it is almost unimaginably long and thick, a mane that is an absolute gift from heaven.
However, in this video, you get to see how THICK her hair REALLY is, and describing how thick, long and soft her hair is, is very hard to do, so we are almost speechless!
Not only will you realize that her hair is intensely long and heavy, but just take a look at how thick and soft it is! You can truly see the amazing softness in this video, and that too, makes us speechless!
She knows that in a video, although you see that her hair is super thick and long, it can easily be mistaken for being a little thinner because the length of the hair can "fool" your eyes to thinking it is thinner, and this is why she wanted us to make a video with her where you can truly see the HUGE amount of hair that she has, and you will be stunned! No wonder her bun is so big.. When she makes double buns, one single bun is easily bigger than other Rapunzel´s with very long hair (seen in another video, that will be released in the future, and you can also see her doing a bun with half her hair here: ).
In this video, she is sitting in a comfortable, blue sofa-chair in her living room.
She is very confident and happy as usual, and she is a professional Rapunzel, knowing 100% how to use her hair perfectly for the best hair display and play.
When she sits in the chair, all her hair is covering the chair, falling down to the floor and making a huge pool of never-ending hair. Then she moved her body slowly forward, so that all her hair strokes the edge/back of the chair very slowly, showing you all the amazing movement.
Handheld ponytails, a huge bun, hair lifting (that must be heavy!), hair twisting, stroking over the chair (she does this in a lot of ways, drowning the chair completely in hair) and a lot more!
This is a video with extreme chair-hair play, and this is a must-have video without a doubt!
The video tends to be very bright sometimes, at the bottom and the top, but the chair, Alena and all her hair has perfect video quality and can be perfectly seen, and therefore the low price of the video (we would normally price this video higher, because of the unusual, extreme hair play).
This is truly one of our favorite videos as well!
This video is over 11 minutes in length.
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