Preview: is one of our very first models, and she is fantastic one.
She has perfect classic length hair and she cares very much about her hair, and therefore her hair care is perfect, which is very easy to see by taking a quick look at her healthy, gorgeous hair.
Needless to say, she inspires many other girls and women to grow very long and super beautiful hair.
In this video, it is not only Suzana, but two other amazing classic length hair girls who has been inspired by Suzana to grow amazing hair.
The combines hair length in this video, is very, very long!
Suzana is the super lucky one in this video, as she is sitting in a chair and relaxing, having her hair played with and pampered with by her Rapunzel friends, Helena and Nina.
They all love to talk about long hair, and what to do about it, how to style it etc.
All of them have super silky hair, and Suzana has even curled her hair in a special way for this video, so it is safe to say that her mane is massive!
They braid her hair, lifts it, feels how healthy it is, runs their fingers through it, makes a super thick ponytail, a huge bun, bundrop, double braids and of course undoing of all the braids, as well as much more!
This video is more than 10 minutes in length.
Publication date: 3. June 2018
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