Preview: hair is a special video series where the camera is laying on the floor, filming upwards towards the model, while she is doing wonderful hair play and display right above the camera, which creates a beautiful visual "effect", and it's a whole new way to watch long hair!
It looks like the hair is flying, and the longer the hair is, the better it is!
The first Flying hair video we did was with Irina 3 years ago when she had tailbone/classic length hair. It was amazing.
Then we made a similar video with our blonde model Alena who has ankle length hair. That was two months ago. It was also stunning!
This time, we're featuring our most popular model, Alena (brunette) which is very well known because of her super long and ultra heavy, healthy and thick fairytale length hair.
Fairytale length means that it is much longer than floor length, so yes... her hair is VERY long.
Needless to say, Alena really knows what she's doing when it comes to long hair modeling. We have been working with her for a long time and we produced over 100 videos together.
She has also been growing her hair for many years, so she has a lot of knowledge when it comes to hair in general as well.
In this video, she is swinging and swaying her heavy, 200 cm. long hair over the camera, so that it's barely touching the camera. After that she does bundrops on top of the camera as well as doing long hair lifting and dropping on the camera.
Truly a stunning video with a stunning model!
This video is over 10 minutes in length.
Publication date: 27. May 2019
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