Preview: video title may be a bit misleading, because we could also call it "Hair for five" or "Hair for 10".
Why? Because Alena has so much hair that it's enough for 10 people to do hair play and display with.
Her hair has gotten beyond floor length a pretty long time ago and it's growing and growing and growing! Her terminal length is insanely long, which is one of the best things that could happen to a long hair model.
Alena is such an amazing person with a great personality and attitude, and her smile is so beautiful! She is totally in love with very long hair, and it seems like it will never get long enough for her, and that's a great thing, because we are like that ourselves!
Her friend, which has been featured in a lot of our great videos, is also in this video, and she is having a lot of fun, really enjoying doing hair play and display with Alena, in every video!
She has gotten a lot of experience as well and they make the perfect team together!
In this video, you will first see Alena sitting in the chair, playing with the half of her own hair while her friend is playing with the other half.
Her hair is so thick that the half of it can cover her front completely, now that's what you can call A LOT OF HAIR!
After doing great long hair play and display, running her fingers through her hair, long hair wrapping and covering, wrapping her hair around her neck and around her friends neck, hair smelling and more, they change places and Alena stands behind and above her friend while she's sitting in the chair.
Covering her friend completely while standing behind her is a super easy match for Alena, and that's just one of the beautiful things you will see in this video.
This video is over 10 minutes in length.
Publication date: 3. March 2019
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