Preview:"That's a TON of hair" is the thought that goes through a lot of people's minds when they see Alena's hair.
Not only is it approximately 2 meters long, but it's also extremely thick, super healthy and heavier than you can imagine.
Alena has both an incredible strong passion for super long hair and an incredible strong neck.
Guess who else has a huge passion for long hair and the beauty of it? Her friend, which is why she has decided to grow her hair long as well.
She LOVES playing with Alena's hair, showing it off and doing long hair display, and she is having so much fun doing it!
Life should be fun, so why not have a lot of fun?
Since Alena's friend doesn't have very long hair yet, Alena lets her play with her hair in this video by sitting in a chair and having her friend sitting behind the chair.
Needless to say, Alena has enough hair to at least cover 3 of these chairs and 3-5 people. Her hair is so thick and long that it completely covers the chair, her friend and still makes a pool on the floor.
This is the kind of hair that you don't believe exists before you actually see it on a video like this with your very own eyes.
You will see her friend playing with the hair herself, and getting help from Alena since it's so much hair to move around. They do great hair play and display, extreme hair covering, long hair lifting and dropping, running their fingers through her massive mane and much more!
The point of this video is showing how much hair Alena has and showing a whole new creative way of doing hair play / display.
This video is over 10 minutes in length.
Publication date: 5. May 2019
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