Preview: has super thick, heavy and incredible healthy hair, which is all in one length all the way down to the end.
She is known for having a very massive classic length hair mane for a long time, but her hair has grown a bit now, and in this video, it's upper thigh length.
The good news is that this video is recorded a pretty long time ago, and her hair is actually even longer now, and getting close to mid thigh length! Her hair length goal is knee length, and who knows? maybe she goes even longer when she reaches that length.
It's a common fact that when a long hair lover reaches her final goal, she sets a new goal of having even longer hair. It's almost like it creates an "addiction" for growing the hair healthy and long, but keep in mind that this is a healthy "addiction"!
Seeing knee length hair in itself is pretty outstanding and it makes a lot of people "lose their breath".
However, what about seeing hair like Mila's at knee length, or even longer?
Now that's for sure something you don't see every day, and it's one of the most beautiful sights that can be witnessed by the eyes.
In this video, you will see Mila both standing and sitting showing off her length, making waves (movement), brushing it and making a super heavy ponytail so that she can do hair play over the camera as well as doing buns and bundrops, close ups, swinging and swaying and much more!
This video is over 15 minutes in length!
Publication date: 21. March 2019
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