To be honest, we like the summer and all that tropical vibe the best, but there's something unique about winter that we love as well.
How snow is falling and how it looks when landing on long hair, is one thing, and the magical atmosphere that is surrounding us while we film.
It's a cold winters day during this shoot, but Isabell doesn't need to worry. She has a thick cape of super long hair that both looks stunning and that keeps her warmer as well as making sure the snow doesn't land directly on her.
There's several great scenes in this film that looks so magical, like an amazing Christmas movie or something similar!
Isabell has so much hair, and it's always fun to have a filmshoot with her.
No matter what she does with her hair or what hairstyle she makes, it's always huge, massive or ultra long.
This slow motion film consists of several different and wonderful scenes, and you will see long hair walking, long hair play and display, long hair in motion, long hair covering, long hair in front of her face, long hair sliding, long hair wrapping, long hair parting, buns and bundrops, long hair posing and much more!
Please note: Parts of this filmed is filmed in very dark conditions during the late evening/night with high ISO-settings on the cameras used. Therefore, some parts of this film has a high level of grain/noise.
This film is filmed/produced in 4K at very high bitrate, which means very high quality film.
That results in a very big file size. Therefore, we have compressed the film file into a HD film file for you. Because of this, the file size is much smaller, but it still has almost as much level of detail, so you get the best of both worlds - very high quality film and a smaller file size.
If you have a fast computer with a 4K (or higher) monitor and you want the bigger 4K film file, please contact us at our email: and we will be able to send it to you.
Please note: This film is in slow motion (approximately 50% speed) for an increased cinematic experience, a more calming feeling and for increased stabilization.
Therefore, the original length of the film is shorter.
The pricing of films in slow motion are always based on the original length of the films (100% speed).
This film is over 32 minutes in length!
The film is in slow motion, so the original film length is approximately a bit more than 16 minutes.
This film includes music.
Publication date: 18. September 2024
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