Preview: is one of our models with the silkiest hair. Her hair is very healthy, and thigh length. She is planning on growing her hair even longer, and she wants to be one of the best long hair models in the world.
Making different hairstyles, playing with her hair, having other people play with it and showing it off, is her favorite activities, and she loves to get attention because of her long locks.
She has her own kind of hair-move which she is using in almost every video, which is the "making waves"-move, which is very suitable for her hair, and that is why she is doing it. It looks like her hair is dancing in 100% harmony with nature, and it looks even silkier when she does that. It also shows how incredibly shiny it is.
In this video, she starts off by having her hair loose, doing some amazing hair action, moves and play and continues by stroking it over her arm, swinging and swaying it, making it go fro side to side, pulling it, brushing it, parting it in two parts, making pigtails, stroking her fingers through it, pigtails, twisting her hair and much more!
This is a must have video for the silky hair lover!
This video is over 16 minutes in length.
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