Preview:'s hair is so thick that you almost can not believe it!
It's thicker than her arm, and it's insanely healthy and beautiful as well as having some great length!
Braiding your hair is great for securing your hair so that it won't get stuck in places and so that it won't be damaged. This especially protects the hair from getting split ends fast.
An even better way to protect the hair is to do a folded braid, protected braid etc.
This is such a video, and when you fold a braid that is very long, you can excpect a very heavy bun-looking braid, and you got to have some strong neck muscles.
Mila is no exeption of that. Her braid is ultra thick and weighs more than you can imagine. When she folds her braid, it is dangerously thick and so heavy that she has to have the strongest neck muscles in the world!
This is a long video where she starts off by showing her long hair and how thick it is. She also lifts it up so that you can see how thick and heavy it looks.
She then braids the ultimate braid which she folds and secures by a special hair item that are built for long hair ladies!
There is no doubt about the fact that Mila really KNOWS long hair!
Then she is showing you this and how beautiful the hairstyle looks.
It's really a special and beautiful hairstyle which not even we have seen before! This is also a very calming video since it is so long and it isn't a lot of fast movement, so this video would work perfect as a relaxation or ASMR video!
This video is over 19 minutes in length!
Publication date: 23. July 2018
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