Preview: is a very young, very beautiful and very popular model which a lot of people absolutely love!She is a very healthy person and she is very fit. Exercising/fitness and the right diet is also extremely important for growing hair very long and healthy, sinceyour hair often is a reflection of your inner health.
Our previous video with Vera that got a lot of attention and that became very popular. That video is called "Fit body and thick, long hair" and the link to it is here: that video became so popular and since we have gotten so many request to make a new one, that is somewhat similar, but a little different, we did exactly that, and this new one is might even better!
Her looks, her hair, the way she does hair play, everything is perfect, and you do not want to miss this!
Her hair is taken out of a massive braid in this video, revealing a massive mane of golden waves from heaven.
In this video, you will see a lot of very special long hair poses, hanging, long hair upside down, acrobatics/fitness exercises, long hair play and display, braid waves, hair whipping, shaking, swinging and swaying, running her fingers through her hair, hair parting, wrapping it around a rope, a braid and undoing of the braid and more!
This video is over 11 minutes in length.
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