Why have long hair, and why even have very long hair when I can have super long hair?
That's what Agnieszka has thought, and just look at her hair now! Incredible!
It is super long, healthy, shiny, and so perfect in all ways!
The super soft hair that she has slides perfectly everywhere, reflecting light so well, showing that it's really healthy. Her hair is made for hair play and display, and she is without a doubt an amazing RealRapunzels model!
She is sitting in a sofa, showing off her hair in amazing ways, with a big bun and bundrop, brushing, long hair sliding and so much more, as she is a very creative person who knows that with such hair, she can show off her hair in so many variated ways.
This video is over 15 minutes in length!
This video includes its original sound.
Publication date: 23. July 2022
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