Very long hair is true art, and we love showing the beauty and inspiration of having very long hair.
When we say very long hair, we really mean VERY LONG HAIR, and this video is a great example of that!
Begum has been a RealRapunzels model for several years and we love working with each other!
Her braid is so massive, that it looks like a normal braid that you typically see in your everyday life, for example a mid back length braid, only that this braid has been multiplied in size many times, almost like it has been "zoomed in" or "scaled up", like it's a form of Real-Life photoshop!
Take a good look at Begum's braid! There are several things to pay attention to and which are very impressive.
Some examples are: Look at how extremely thick her braid is at neck level. To make such a thick braid, you need some seriously super thick hair! Look at how thick it is in the ends. This is a very impressive hair thickness, especially for the ends, and especially at such a super long length! Needless to say, this means that when she takes the braid out, all you will see is a gigantic mane, and if you're walking behind Begum, you'll not see her, you will most likely only see hair.
Another thing to pay attention to is of course - the length. It's hard to not notice the length though, especially when you see a gigantic braid this size, and length!
Did you know that when it comes to lifting long hair, it feels extra heavy if it's in a braid? This is because it's all concentrated in a compact form, and it makes it feel much heavier. As you can see, this braid is HEAVY!
Begum is extremely proud of her massive braid, however there's something she likes to do even more, with great passion, and that is taking the braid out.
She loves the feeling when she takes each "braid bump" out, showing you her hair, impressing you for every "braid bump" she takes out, as her hair is getting longer and longer as well as the fact that it's insanely thick and massive.
You'll notice one thing in this video which might look a bit unfamiliar. When taking out a long braid, you're most likely used to seeing braid waves when the hair is loose. This of course depends on how long the braid has been in the hair, how wet the hair was when braided as well as other factors.
When Begum takes out the braid in this video, her hair has no braid waves! She has not had the braid in for very long, however it's normal to have some braid waves.
Why do you think her hair has no braid waves after undoing her braid. The answer to this is very simple. It's because her hair is so super long and super heavy that it basically straightens itself out almost immediately. That's how heavy and well hydrated/healthy it is!
If you have seen out videos with Begum before, you know that they are all incredible, and most people get our Begum videos immediately when they are published.
Her hair play and display skills are through the roof, her hair is extreme and she is simply an amazing RealRapunzels model, and she really knows how to be one of the best long hair models in the world!
There are so many things with Begum's hair that is super impressive! You have to see the part in this video where she holds up her hair like a curtain (a super heavy curtain) and brushes it. When we saw her doing that we were thinking "how thick is her hair?!" and "it never ends!".
A massive ponytail, a gigantic bun, a wonderful, super long mane and a great braid is some of the wonderful sights you'll see in this video!
The ponytail in this video is really a ponytail that's worth watching over and over, and if you like those massive, XXL-ponytails, you have to see this!
In this video, you will see long hair play and display, long hair lifting and dropping, long hair swinging and swaying, long hair brushing, running her fingers through her long hair, bun and bundrop, undoing of a very long braid, long hair covering, a massive high ponytail and more!
This video is filmed/produced in 4K at very high bitrate, which means very high quality video.
That results in a very big file size. Therefore, we have compressed the video file into a HD video file for you. Because of this, the file size is much smaller, but it still has almost as much level of detail, so you get the best of both worlds - very high quality video and a smaller file size.
If you have a fast computer with a 4K (or higher) monitor and you want the bigger 4K video file, please contact us at our email: and we will be able to send it to you.
This video is over 17 minutes in length!
This video includes music.
Publication date: 7. April 2023
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