It's a long time since we've published content due great news; we have had some great, amazing shoots and will soon publish tons of incredible content, with long-time RealRapunzels models and brand new RealRapunzels models as well!
We have missed you and we know you have missed us.
We're starting publishing new amazing content again with this video, a video where two great RealRapunzels models with super healthy, wonderful long hair combines their hair into a massive, thick and beautiful mane of silky brown hair.
Natalie and Celina both have perfect hair and they are a dream to work with.
Even better than their hair is their wonderful personalities and high energy as well as creativity and modeling skills.
Although this is a short video, every second is gold and you will see them making a big braid with both their hair, and it's super thick!
You will also see some hair display and the most beautiful smiles!
This video is filmed/produced in 4K at very high bitrate, which means very high quality video.
That results in a very big file size. Therefore, we have compressed the video file into a HD video file for you. Because of this, the file size is much smaller, but it still has almost as much level of detail, so you get the best of both worlds - very high quality video and a smaller file size.
If you have a fast computer with a 4K (or higher) monitor and you want the bigger 4K video file, please contact us at our email: and we will be able to send it to you.
This video is over 4 minutes in length.
This video includes music.
Publication date: 25. September 2022
If you buy this video within the first 24 hours of the video being released, you will get a discount of 20%!
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