When hair is wet, it's more fragile than when it's dry, which is why you have to be extra careful.
Dobromira has had very long hair for a long time, and is very experienced when it comes to both having very long hair and long hair modeling, which is why she really knows how to deal with wet, long hair.
She takes very well care of her hair, runs her fingers through it to remove the knots and detangle it as well as brushing it carefully and also applying some oil to it, which is always great (and important) to do after a wash. Argan oil works perfect for this purpose (mainly hydrating it and keeping it protected).
In this video, you will see long hair play and display, long hair lifting and dropping, long hair swinging and swaying, long hair brushing, running her fingers through her long hair, wet hair play and display, long hair parting and more!
This video is over 15 minutes in length!
This video includes its original sound.
Publication date: 17. December 2021
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