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VIDEO - Super hair dunking



Alena has some great hair. It's voluminous, long, has good thickness and she wants to grow it much longer.

She is very creative and proves that there is a lot of possibilities with very long hair - you can do so much with it - make great hairstyles, do amazing bundrops, and also do unique hair dunking, which is what you'll see in this video.


Alena gets her heavy hair wet, which makes it even heavier and shakes it around so that it splashes water everywhere. 

This is wet hair display at its finest, and Alena is doing a great job.


Please note that this video is filmed under very safe conditions, and Alena is a highly skilled long hair model with great experience within long hair dunking.


In this video, you will see long hair play and display, long hair lifting and dropping, long hair swinging and swaying, running her fingers through her long hair, bun and bundrop, long hair dunking, wet long hair play and much more!


This video is over 17 minutes in length!
This video includes its original sound.

Publication date: 16. August 2022

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