Scalp massages are one of the best parts of being a RealRapunzels model and having very long hair!
It's very healthy and good for the scalp, for the hair and for hair growth.
It increases the blood flow in the scalp, which increases hair growth, it enables the scalp to produce more of its natural oils which can be good for the hair, and it's very relaxing and calming for both the model and the person doing the scalp massage.
Victoria has very long blonde hair, and it's so thick, healthy, heavy and perfect in every way!
After a long day at shoot, it's relaxing for both Mr. Rapunzel and Victoria to calm down, sit back and enjoy some wonderful scalp massage.
While it's relaxing and calming for Mr. Rapunzel, it's most relaxing for Victoria, which is almost falling asleep during the scalp massage process.
It's a LOT of hair for sure, so Mr. Rapunzel tries to put all of it in his lap to not tangle it too much while doing the scalp massage.
What happens next is that Mr. Rapunzel finds out that it's simply impossible as it's "pooling" in his lap, flowing over and ultimately reaching the floor. That's how long her hair is and that's how much hair she has.
This video includes as many as 5 different angles (shot by 4 different cameras), so that you can see the scalp massage in as many ways as possible, including a front facing view to see how calming this scalp massage treatment is.
In this video, you will see long hair play and display, long hair lifting and dropping, running his fingers through her long hair, long hair pulling, scalp massage and much more!
Please note: This video is shot with four different cameras for five different angles to give you the best viewing experience.
Therefore, when you're seeing a new part/scene from another angle in this video, it's a replay of what you've already seen, but from another angle, except from the closeup of the scalp massage, which is an individual scene shot after the first original scene, with the same camera.
This makes it possible for you to see it from the angle you like the best, so it gives you the power to choose which angle you like the best.
Many people will also love seeing the whole video from different angles, as hair can look very different from different angles.
This video is filmed/produced in 4K at very high bitrate, which means very high quality video.
That results in a very big file size. Therefore, we have compressed the video file into a HD video file for you. Because of this, the file size is much smaller, but it still has almost as much level of detail, so you get the best of both worlds - very high quality video and a smaller file size.
If you have a fast computer with a 4K (or higher) monitor and you want the bigger 4K video file, please contact us at our email: and we will be able to send it to you.
This video is over 1 hour and 23 minutes in length!
Please note that the video length referred to above is with all the angles combined. Therefore the original length of the video from one angle is shorter.
Main angle/camera video length: 20 minutes.
This video includes music.
Publication date: 27. April 2022
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