Preview:'s hair is LONG, silky and so shiny!
It's very soft and healthy and her hair is definitely a result of passion and love for long hair as well as patience over time.
Trimming the hair when it's needed is of course also a very important factor to growing long healthy hair, and this shoot is taken shortly after we did a trim with Emilie in a hair salon.
This photoshoot focuses on how long, straight and perfect Emilie's hair is, with the length being the main thing.
If you love long hair at all (which you do, if not you would definitely not be here), you will LOVE this photo set!
Emilie is a big inspiration for other girls and women that wants to grow long and healthy hair!
Number of photos: 230
Photo resolution: 24 Megapixel (MP) (4000 x 6000)
The photos are packed into a ZIP-folder which you simply unpack when you have bought and downloaded it.
Available on: Every PC/Mac, phone/smartphone, tablet, smart-TV etc.
Publication date: 22. March 2020
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