Preview: grow very long hair, like Alena, you have to have a big passion for long hair.
Alena has huge passion for her hair and a very good friend that supports her and her long hair journey, which is very important.
You can still grow your hair very long of course, without having anyone to support you, but it becomes much easier when you have someone on your side.
They both love long hair, and there is without a doubt more than enough hair for both of them to play with in this video.
You will see long hair play and display, long hair swinging and swaying, long hair brushing, running their fingers through her long hair, long hair covering, bun and bundrop and more.
It's an understatement to say that they're having a lot of fun in this video. It's so heartwarming to watch them loving what they're doing and smiling and laughing so often!
This video is over 10 minutes in length.
Publication date: 23. September 2019
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